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Eviction Memorandum Overturned

A federal judge recently vacated the nationwide eviction moratorium that has hurt many landlords and property owners since the beginning of COVID-19. US District Court Judge Dabney Friedrich ruled that the agency exceeded its authority with the ban.

This is a clear win for rental property owners in more ways than just the ruling. The fact that the ruling was nationally published and the issue has been hotly debated in recent months shows a sign of strength with returning to holding tenants accountable for their rents. Many tenants that have taken advantage of the moratorium have been truly impacted due to COVID-19 and have had hardship in paying their rent since the pandemic began. Unfortunately, it's the few people that abuse the situation that cause uproar among people on social media sites and in the news.

Around the US states have had varying opinions on the matter. In Texas, a judicial advisory panel explicitly gave state courts permission to ignore the federal moratorium. There have been reports that judges in several other states including: Georgia, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio and Tennessee have diverged or disregarded the moratorium altogether. The Department of Justice is potentially expected to appeal the ruling from Friedrich so only time will tell where this ends up.

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